La Web | Resultados 1 - 100 de aproximadamente 670 de Planet Maldek. (0.61 segundos) |
The Legend of
Maldek - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... * *. "Many of you have
heard of the planet Maldek. Maldek ... *
24,000 Years Ago: "The mythological planet Maldek explodes.
The ...
karljahn.tripod.com/Maldek.htm - 37k - 30
Abr 2004 - En caché
- Páginas similares
Moutopia - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... Maldekan, the major language of the planet Maldek; Contraterran, a family
of languages native to Counter-Earth; Favonian, a Romance language. ...
karljahn.tripod.com/ - 14k - 29 Abr 2004 - En caché - Páginas similares
[ Más resultados de karljahn.tripod.com ]
Lost Human
History - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... then implode their fusion
reactors, thus destroying 98% of the Dinoid/Reptoid civilizations;
remaining 2% evacuated to the planet Maldek (a planet
within ...
www.reptilianagenda.com/research/r110799c.html - 14k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Maldek -
Planet becomes asteroid belt - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... an elevated
extraterrestrial being known as Mars Sector Six described the greatest
of all
crimes – the destruction of this planet, known as Maldek, by the
www.innerpotential.org/pages/article/maldek.html - 9k -
En caché
- Páginas similares
Blank - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... planets' orbits, heading
for a trajectory between Jupiter and Mars, that is, the
asteroid belt (said
to be the remnants of a large planet Maldek which was ...
www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~noelh/Battlestar.htm - 8k -
En caché
- Páginas similares
Update For December 22, 2001 - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... The greatest difference in
your transformed solar system will be the
large water planet,
Maldek, now located between Mars and Jupiter. ...
www.paoweb.com/sn122201.htm - 12k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Update For August 7, 2001 - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... The outer rings surrounding Jupiter and Neptune were created when the five
moons orbiting the planet Maldek were violently ejected into space. ...
www.paoweb.com/sn080701.htm - 12k - En caché - Páginas similares
[ Más resultados de www.paoweb.com ]
GAIA - [
esta página ]
... barbarism in between the
atomic wars, but more significantly due to the negative
karma involved
starting with the destruction of the planet Maldek.To accept
www.users.bigpond.com/phdaley/gaia.htm - 13k
- En caché
- Páginas similares
Metaphysics Home Page - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... Click here for complete article on Maldek. ... of July 1964,the most significant
date of the century, and indeed in the long life of the planet. ...
www.users.bigpond.com/phdaley/metaphysics.htm - 39k - En caché - Páginas similares
Celeste - Visionary Artist,
Clairvoyant Author, Lecturer - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... up of four scientists, a
Venusian Lady Master, and a Maldek warrior, are the main
characters in
the first story about the destruction of Planet Maldek and the
www.spiritsite.net/celeste/ - 19k - En caché
- Páginas similares
RealMagick Article: Platinum
by Anja Heij - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... Several esoteric studies
associate the metal Platinum with the planet
Maldek, also known
under the names Nibiru, Lucifer or Phaeton. ...
realmagick.com/articles/21/1921.html - 27k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Arguelles - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... its mental frequency it
will bring about a greater and greater dissonance, resulting
in the type of
disaster that destroyed the planet Maldek, producing the
www.earthportals.com/Portal_Messenger/ascending.html - 6k -
En caché
- Páginas similares
Jesus, Sanat Kumara - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... warring of human beings.
The planet Maldek was literally destroyed
through the warring
of its inhabitants. Although there is still ...
www.askrealjesus.com/ANSWERS/G%20SPIRTEACHINGS/ sanatkumara.html -
24k - En caché
- Páginas similares
The Law of One, Book
One (formerly The Ra Material) - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... Also discussed is the
destruction of the planet Maldek, the attempts at conquest
Earth by the Orion group which is of negative polarization, the ...
www.llresearch.org/publications/pub_law1.htm - 6k -
En caché
- Páginas similares
1986_0810.htm - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... There was at the time of the destruction of the planet known as Maldek a
spewing of its, shall we say, particles throughout the local vicinity. ...
www.llresearch.org/transcripts/ issues/1986/1986_0810.htm - 26k - En caché - Páginas similares
[ Más resultados de www.llresearch.org ]
Change News on Earth Changes TV on the Web - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... When the planet
Maldek, also called Lucifer, fell from heaven because it was
- the planets could no longer sing in harmony because one was
missing. ...
PlanetAlert/March2001.htm - 36k - En caché
- Páginas similares
White Fire Core Meditation Message
From Commander Ashtar - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... It also protects us from
radioactive material that finds its way to
our atmosphere from the ancient
explosion of the planet Maldek. ...
ashtar.galactic.to/corem.htm - 10k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Telepathic Contact List - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... Liaison Solar System Solar Cross Saras Elexar Telepathic Liaison Planet Jupiter
Solar ... Central Terminous Eta Ka-L-Lia Telepathic Liaison Maldek Solar Cross ...
ashtar.galactic.to/contact.htm - 16k - En caché - Páginas similares
graylien's aliens george king
aetherians - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... A brief history of Time
according to the Aetherians. Humans are descended from
a highly advanced
species which originally inhabited the planet Maldek. ...
graylien.buildtolearn.net/aeth.html - 12k - En caché
- Páginas similares
The Solar System - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... Pluto, 38.8, 39.5. X, 77.2,
--. Back to top. These are two pieces from Germane
which mention this
asteroid-belt as being a former planet called Maldek: ...
home.tiscali.nl/gibbon/solarsystem.htm - 22k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Digitaria, Sorghum, Nibiru and Earth - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... Even though this planet was born out of my explosion and, like Earth, was ... another
theory that says that one of Nibiru's moons crashed into Maldek causing the ...
home.tiscali.nl/gibbon/digitaria.htm - 13k - En caché - Páginas similares
[ Más resultados de home.tiscali.nl ]
Is this Nibiru?
- [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... counterclockwise. It was a
collision of Nibiru with another planet
in our solar system
(Maldek) which created Earth. Nibiru's orbit ...
seekers.100megs6.com/Nibiru.htm - 16k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Библиотека RIN.ru - MYSTICAL
... Andromodans (per Collier) say
these lived on the planet Maldek (now the asteroid
belt) and
were the lost tribe if Lyrae. They were also called Ari-an. ...
lib.rin.ru/doc/i/19442p.html - 6k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Lichtplattform, ein Ort der Begegnung für Lichtarbeiter und
... Der Planet Maldek wurde
im Laufe dieses gewaltigen Krieges, samt seiner Einwohner
vernichtet und die
Überreste bilden euren Asteroidengürtel. ...
cms/vermischtes/detail.php?nr=210&katego=Vermischtes - 12k - En caché
- Páginas similares
... - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... Even before that time, we
inhabited the planet Maldek between Mars and Jupiter.
In a
global war, not only did we destroy ourselves, but the planet as well.
alienufo/ufosightings/CNAk0012.txt - 11k - En caché
- Páginas similares
kortversjon av Jordens historie
MALDEK. Mellom planetene Mars og Jupiter var det en planet
Maldek. ... Maldek hadde vært en høyt utviklet
planet rent vitenskapelig. ...
ashtar/kanaliseringer/hatonns_kortversjon_av_jordens_h.htm - 20k - En caché
- Páginas similares
The Official Coyle & Sharpe
Website - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... Sharpe, who played trombone
in a jazz band, liked to sing. From the
CD, "On The Loose.". Favorite Fish,
MX Missile, Planet Maldek. ...
www.coyleandsharpe.com/mp3/ - 22k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Mars und Marsbewohner.
Oris' site Channel Oris. Sirius - Plejaden ...
... man mit den vernünftigen Formen des physischen Lebens
"besäen" konnte - das waren
Erde, Mars und der schon längst verschwundene
Planet Maldek, der infolge ...
mitglied.lycos.de/channeloris/mars.htm - 43k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Teil 2/6
... Ebenso wurde der Planet Maldek im Orbit
zwischen Mars und Jupiter
besiedelt. Dem Herrn der Finsternis gelang es
Kontrolle über ...
www.freezone.de/sde/sde0207.htm - 101k - En caché
- Páginas similares
A letter to Mr
President on incident from 9/11 2001 in New York ... -
[ Traduzca
esta página ]
... the same result. Belt of
asteroids between Mars and Jupiter is a relict
of a planet
Maldek, Fatheon too. Therefore you're holding ...
neighbors.designcommunity.com/notes/1358.html - 15k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Council's Monday Night Workshop Chat Transcripts - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... The Value of the “Dark”.
No. June 9, 2003. The Ashtar Command/Planet Maldek
No. June 2, 2003. Understanding Artifical Intelligence (AIs). No. ...
www.nibiruancouncil.com/html/chattranscripts.html - 101k
- En caché
- Páginas similares
MALDEC PLANET - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... Earth's Ascension by Chris
Hamilton! "Maldek was the planet which was destroyed
by blocked
energies when Lucifer, who had charge over the evolution of this ...
users.sdccu.net/alahoy/maldec.htm - 4k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Nidle, Galactic Federation - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... All of these events are
preparing your solar system for the re-emergence
of the planet
'Maldek'. These procedures apply to your inner worlds. ...
2002/Spac&Time_SN20502.htm - 20k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Movements Homepage: The Aetherius Society - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... Even before man's existence
on Earth, our race is believed to have
lived on the planet
Maldek, once found between Mars and Jupiter. ...
religiousmovements.lib.virginia.edu/ nrms/aetherius.html - 23k -
30 Abr 2004 - En caché
- Páginas similares
The Solar
Catastrophe - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... All of the planets were
affected to varying degrees. The planet Maldek blew
completely, and all that remained is what we see as the asteroid belt.
www.galactic.org/SolarCatastrophe.html - 17k
- En caché
- Páginas similares
- [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... interplanetary war. This,
no doubt, was the one mentioned earlier,
when the planet Maldek
was destroyed. Other planetary bodies ...
www.holloworbs.com/CraterOrigin.htm - 9k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Doorway to
Eternity - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... Shasta, from whales and
dolphins in Hawaii, from the Kumara of the planet Maldek,
reawakening dragons, from time-travelers, and from Mother Earth herself
www.villagebooks-mtshasta.com/doortoet.html -
6k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Questions & Answers Archive - Sep-Oct 2000 - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... Q3: In your meeting you
also said that a ice comet caused the planet Maldek
to explode.
My question is how long ago was it when this happened? ...
www.stewartswerdlow.com/archives/sqa/sqa0900.htm - 28k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Why Earth
will not be destroyed - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... established on this Earth
by the Great White Brotherhood to keep man from blowing
himself up by nuclear
destruction as they did on planet Maldek thousands of ...
earthnotdestroyed.htm - 9k - En caché
- Páginas similares
The Dark Force May be Celebrating Victory Prematurely - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... control, and these entities do not intend to allow these greed forces and the modern
competitive war machines to destroy this planet as Maldek was destroyed. ...
home.iae.nl/ users/lightnet/creator/darkforcecelebratingprematurely.htm - 11k - En caché - Páginas similares
[ Más resultados de home.iae.nl ]
This update mentions
terraforming MARS by filling the air with ... - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... For forces of the
Federation of Light to move into this galactic sector, Maldek
had to be neutralized and a large battle planet was assigned to
the task. ...
www.cyberspaceorbit.com/terrafrmx.htm - 10k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Great Divine Director - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... of you understand that some
of the evolutions of the Middle East have been those
lifewaves who have come
from the planet which you call Maldek, the asteroid ...
summitlh.com/33reasons/GDD.html - 35k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Founded - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... The purpose of this battle
planet was to destroy the planet Maldek that was the
administrative center of the dinoid/reptoid alliance in the solar
system. ...
files/Lemuria_Founded.htm - 3k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Hybornea Destroyed - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... All that was left of the reptoid and dinoid strength was a small colony on the planet
Maldek as well as a small group of out post personnel scattered on the ...
www.homestead.com/_allaboutlife/ files/Hybornea_Destroyed2.htm - 3k - En caché - Páginas similares
[ Más resultados de www.homestead.com ]
- Ethical Enlightenment - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... It is significant that the
Dragon Genesis includes the three planets of the lost
words - Maldek,
Mars and Earth - Neptune the planet of memory and birth as its ...
rinri/rinri_4-2-02.html - 20k - En caché
- Páginas similares
... erlangen, führt zu den ‚Zeit-Kriegen‘. Dabei wird der 5.
– Maldek – zerstört und die Biosphäre des Mars
vernichtet. ...
www.maya.at/Literatur/Literatur_html/ Die_Arkturus-Probe.htm - 5k
- En caché
- Páginas similares
Earth: Cosmic Destiny #13 by lecturer and author, Sheldon ... - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... The next step is to
reestablish the transMars planet (Maldek) to it's
state and finally end the chaos of the outer planets. ...
Galatic-Federation/crystal-earth-13.txt - 11k - En caché
- Páginas similares
astropovendtimes - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... When the planet
Maldek (also called Lucifer) was destroyed, the planets
no longer sang
together because there was a missing frequency. ...
www.penwing.com/astropovendtimes.html - 8k - En caché
- Páginas similares
REVIEW 10 - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... appearance. The other five
ET colonies came from Sirius, planet Maldek,
the Orion
constellation, planet Mars, and the Vega star system. In ...
truth/TR10ETSANDHISTORY.HTML - 30k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Mystic Encyclopedia - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... Andromodans (per Collier)
say these lived on the planet Maldek (now the asteroid
and were the lost tribe if Lyrae. ... asteroid belt See planet
Maldek. ...
www.sacred-texts.com/ufo/mystic-e.htm - 45k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Spirit-of-Yggdrasil :: - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
www.spirit-of-yggdrasil.com/default.asp?pageid=154 - 39k -
En caché
- Páginas similares
:: Spirit-of-Yggdrasil :: - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... Trouble broke out when the mission on the fifth orbit, held by the planet called
Maldek, blew up so badly that the planet became an asteroid belt. ...
www.spirit-of-yggdrasil.com/default.asp?pageid=155 - 26k - En caché - Páginas similares
[ Más resultados de www.spirit-of-yggdrasil.com ]
App B: Mystical
Encyclopedia - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... They now live underground
in Tibet. See Agharta. Ashtar Same as Ishtar. asteroid
belt See planet
Maldek. ... See Anakim, Sitchin, mars face, planet
Maldek. ...
www.psu.ru/perm/ufo/aliengls.html - 56k - En caché
- Páginas similares
o Uskrsnuću II: Prevladavanje Vlasništva i ...
... Nekada davno, planet unutar vašeg solarnog sistema,
poznat kao Maldek,
je uništen pomoću nuklearnog oružja. Nedavna
otkrića ...
free-bj.hinet.hr/uskrsnuce1/transmisije2/ neskodljivost7.html -
64k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Comments Thingee (746233) - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... Mars is a symbol of Death
and prophecy and there is also a fifth planet Maldek,
asteriod belt between mars and Jupiter is said to have been the fifth ...
forums.fark.com/cgi/fark/comments.pl?IDLink=746233 - 55k
- En caché
- Páginas similares
Archives for UFO Research
(AFU) - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... CCXD. Design, propulsion
& new energies. D. Destroyed planet (Maldek,
Phaeton, etc).
NAPD. Detection & alarm systems, instrumented research.
UD. ...
www.afu.info/ufocodesEng.htm - 101k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Jay's Dreamspell
Page 3 - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... The orbit of the asteroid
belt between Jupiter and Mars is considered the Arcturus
Probe planetary path
of what was once a planet known as "Maldek". ...
www.geocities.com/dreamingbones/dreamspell3.html - 31k - En caché
- Páginas similares
(Alien enclyclopedia and related topics) - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... Andromodans (per Collier) say these lived on the planet Maldek (now the asteroid
belt) and were the lost tribe if Lyrae. ... See planet Maldek <maldek>. Atlantis. ...
www.geocities.com/s75j88w68/7.html - 52k - En caché - Páginas similares
[ Más resultados de www.geocities.com ]
Pacal Votan &
Judgement Day: Chapter 3 - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... In accord with the
Telektonon-Dreamspell cosmology , the primal Adamic
creationoccurred on the
destroyed asteroid planet, Maldek. ...
www.earthascending.com/maya/PVJD_03.html - 21k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Nibiru (Planet
X) - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... He called it Maldek
which is a version of the name Marduk. He said that life
had ceased on the
surface of the planet due to misuse of technology. ...
educate-yourself.org/zsl/nibiru13nov02.shtml - 17k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Welcome to The
Aetherius Society - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... the days of Atlantis. Even
before that time, we inhabited a Planet
called Maldek, then
between Mars and Jupiter. In a global war ...
www.aetherius.org/NewFiles/About_Us_FAQs.html - 40k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Welcome to The Aetherius Society - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... The Not-Too-Well-Known History of Mankind. Approximately 18,600,000 years
ago we inhabited another planet called Maldek within this solar system. ...
www.aetherius.org/NewFiles/Cosmic_Concept.html - 28k - En caché - Páginas similares
... Ebenso wurde der Planet Maldek im Orbit
zwischen Mars und Jupiter besiedelt.
Dem Herrn der Finsternis gelang es
Kontrolle über die Mars-Kolonie zu. ...
chron_1980_heute_zukunft.htm - 101k - En caché
- Páginas similares
White Cottage -
Articles - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
PART 1. MALDEK – THE LOST PLANET. ... In 1956 we
information about this planet, which they called
Maldek, via short wave radio. ...
www.whitecottage.us/article_page_1%206_1.html - 15k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Face of Mars" Syndrome - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... Maldek, the
planet which disintegrated in times past through its misuse of a
energy you know as nuclear energy, resides in a parallel dimension
whole ...
Protected/the_face_of_mars_syndrome.htm - 14k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Star People & Wanderers:
Excerpts of Joshua's Book - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... Since this dates from 880
BC, it would not show the planet Maldek or thirteen
since Maldek ceased to exist around 1500 BC The sun disk is
similar to ...
www.v-j-enterprises.com/jufobook.html - 29k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Journeys - Chapter 4: Part IV -- Additional Help We are Receiving - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... This occurred to a planet before in our solar system called Maldek. Maldek use
to lie between Mars and Jupiter which explains the asteroid belt there. ...
www.v-j-enterprises.com/janc4p4.html - 18k - En caché - Páginas similares
[ Más resultados de www.v-j-enterprises.com ]
A message of hope - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... and well-established in
terms of how best to deal with these situations, and after
the previous
disasters involving [the exploded planet] Maldek and Mars, your
www.crawford2000.co.uk/hope.htm - 45k -
En caché
- Páginas similares
Ra-section 1 - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
RA: There are those from
Maldek. In your distant past there was ...
www.spiritofra.com/Ra-section%201.htm - 89k - En caché
- Páginas similares
EPH - Exploded Planet
EPH - Exploded Planet Hypothesis a jiné
ambiciózní pokusy kterak vyvésti ... Sumeři
jako o Nibiru, pozdější
arabští astrologové mu říkali Maldek. ...
www.gewo.applet.cz/element/eph.htm - 38k - En caché
- Páginas similares
... frequency of 28(16
+12). This 28 also matched the frequency of the
destroyed planet
Maldek, Bode 28. Now Earth, Mars, and Maldek ...
www.panlibrary.org/pan/9seed11e.html - 37k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Cosmic Heritage - Our links with the
star and starbeings (moved) ... - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... The grays in Orion, who did
not escape to the planet Maldek eventually had to move
because the other 11 families in the Orion vibration would no longer ...
www.voy.com/158764/5.html - 38k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Liberation - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... Many of you have heard of
the planet Maldek. Maldek was destroyed and
and became our asteroid belt some ten million years ago. ...
www.ascendpress.org/articles/ transmissions1/A1Beylib.html - 50k -
En caché
- Páginas similares
Mastering Harmlessness Part 1 - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... Maldek. Long ago, Maldek was a third-dimensional planet with a fully
conscious life form upon it that was humanoid in shape. Such ...
www.ascendpress.org/articles/ transmissions2/A1MHarm1.html - 30k - En caché - Páginas similares
[ Más resultados de www.ascendpress.org ]
Institute - Artist's Loft - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... Earth selected for seeding.
2,000,000 years ago: Hybornea Earth colony founded.
Sirian influence begins
& Dinoids are confined to the planet of Maldek. ...
recovering/timeline.htm - 21k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Maldek - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... years Civilization(s)-
Drakar, Zetan Population- 9,1035,723 (at time when it was
destroyed) History-
The planet Maldek was the real fifth planet from Sol.
Sol/Maldek.html - 9k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Lemuria, The Land of MU,
Ancient Civilizations Explored, BUFO ... - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... They arranged for a battle
planet (4 times the diameter of the Earth) to come
into the solar
system and destroy the planet Maldek - which was the Dinoid
www.burlingtonnews.net/leumurian2.html - 55k
- En caché
- Páginas similares
Lemuria, The Land of MU, Ancient Civilizations Explored, BUFO ... - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... Dinoid/Reptoid civilizations were destroyed on Earth. Survivors evacuated
to planet Maldek. Pre-cataceans then implode their fusion ...
www.burlingtonnews.net/leumurian1.html - 76k - En caché - Páginas similares
[ Más resultados de www.burlingtonnews.net ]
Kit: Maldek - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... Maldek, Length:
12.00 secs | Sample Rate 44100 | 16 bit | Size 1994 k. flashtrak
... Launch JukeBox, Loop Description: The lost planet!!! Author
Details. ...
Maldek-Osnoff-3644/index.php - 27k - En caché
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... Vattenelement Kronchakrat
Röd - Öst Polarjordfamilj Planet: Asteroidbältet (Maldek):
5. omloppsbanan Guide/vägledare: Röd Motsatskin: Blå - Örn ...
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Sign Aeoliah's
Guestbook - [ Traduzca
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... It will be the most
important announcement in 236,841 years. At that time the announcement
was a
multi-hexa-ton H-bomb blast which blew up the planet Maldek.
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... the fact that the planetary
distances relative to each other are these same exact
harmonic ratios (with
the exception of the missing planet Maldek.) We also ...
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Campaign for
the New Time - [ Traduzca
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... death. Will Earth become a
dead planet like Mars or worse yet, a shattered
and destroyed
planet like Maldek, the asteroid belt? Or ...
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sciforums.com -
Dreamspell Calendar - [ Traduzca
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... planets. There are 10
(using the planet MALDEK, destroyedby the efforts
of those
working against the LIBERATION of CONSCIOUSNESS). Each ...
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UNIVERSE - [ Traduzca
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... have turned up on their
telescopes. As for the "missing" 5th planet,
some have named it
Maldek. More interesting than Bode's Law is ...
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x found? - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... 1. The Sun (yes they
counted the sun as a planet) 2. Mercury 3. Venus 4. Earth
5. Mars 6.
Maldek (now the asteroid belt.. was once a planet) 7. Jupiter 8
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... rather than
counterclockwise. It was a collision of Nibiru with another
planet in
our solar system (Maldek) which created Earth. ...
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EARTH - [ Traduzca
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... of peace and truce when
earth was divided as a multi-purpose planet between the ...
destruction of Maldek (now the Asteroid belt between Mars and
Jupiter), is ...
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http://www.timeofglobalshift.com/UFOsMeta/briefhis.html - [ Traduzca
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... star planet). 50,000
BP -- END OF 3D MAJOR CYCLE I / No harvest of Earth 3D souls;
life-span --
700 years. 46,000 BP -- Spiritual calling from Earth Maldek souls
www.timeofglobalshift.com/UFOsMeta/briefhis.html - 22k - En caché
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éliminer les implants !!! Rituel de désimplantation..... ...
... Les implants de conflits de dualité sont appelés comme cela
suite aux luttes
où ils ont été acquis, comme : Orion, Sirius, Planet
Maldek, Arcturus, et ...
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Alien Observer.com -
UFO, aliens, area 51, roswell... - [ Traduzca
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... See Agharta. Ashtar Same as
Ishtar. asteroid belt See planet Maldek. ... Maldek
to be the fifth planet from our sun, it is is now the asteroid
belt. ...
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... lost from between the
orbits of Mars and Jupiter, a planet which may once have
been known as
Tiamat (or possibly Marduk / Maldek), and which was once the ...
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Chapter 9: Comet Hale Bopp: Past Disaster? Future Disaster? - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... becomes Nibiru [planet of crossing]. This crossing would appear to be in the asteroid
belt, the orbit from which Tiamat (or possibly Marduk / Maldek) was ...
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... Maldek. For lenge siden var
Maldek en tredje dimensjonal planet med
en fullt bevisst
livsform som var menneskelig av utseende. En ...
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Comment éliminer les
... Les implants de conflits de dualité
sont appelés comme cela suite aux luttes
où ils ont été acquis, comme: Orion,
Sirius, Planet Maldek, Arcturus, et ...
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... All that was left of the
Reptoid and Dinoid strength was a small colony on the
Maldek as well as a small group of outpost personnel scattered on the
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Aliens & UFOs - Exposing Reptilians - The ... - [
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... destroying atlantis which
led to its sinking then everything went underground all
the knowledge was
lost , also lets not forget the planet maldek which existed
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... That asteroid belt
planet ("hereafter referred to as Maldek," he writes,
inexplicably) had a moon, which, thanks to "great levitating or
gravity ...
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independent bookstore on the web! - [ Traduzca
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... extraterrestrial sources
who convey this information through Robert tell us that
they at one time
existed in our solar system on a planet known as Maldek.
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... The pieces of that
planet (sometimes called Astera, Maldek, Rahab, or Planet V
other names) made the craters we see on most bodies in the solar
system. ...
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